All our diamonds are ethically sourced that adhere to the strictest labor, trade, and environmental standards. We source our diamonds only from suppliers who are Sightholders from the world.

We fully support the Kimberley Process, which was established in 2003 to eradicate the trade in conflict diamonds and is supported by governments, diamond industry participants, customs authorities and civil society groups.



For a collection of diamonds, Crystal Rise includes the GIA Diamond Origin Report to help trace the diamond from its source to its final polished state by uniquely leveraging advanced scientific analysis to deliver technical rough-to-polish diamond matching. GIA collects and analyzes physical measurements, spectroscopic data, and imaging of the diamond as a rough crystal before it is cut and polished. A unique identification number is assigned to the rough diamond. GIA later uses this data to scientifically match the polished diamond to the original rough crystal it came from.



Sightholders are companies on the De Beers Global Sightholder Sales’s list of authorized bulk purchasers of rough Diamonds. Sightholders get their diamonds from mines and recovery areas in Botswana, Canada, Namibia, and Sourth Africa. All diamonds are sourced in alignment with the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) Due Diligence Guidance.

The sourcing process is underpinned by both internal compliance programmes and external certification schemes and governance frameworks – providing reassurance on the journey that each diamond takes.